RAVENOL Diesel Cetane Booster

վաճառողի կոդը: 1390242

RAVENOL Diesel Cetane Booster

վաճառողի կոդը: 1390242

ստանալ տեղեկատվություն ապրանքների առկայության մասին...

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Կարճ հոդված: 1390242-300
Ամբողջական հոդվածը: 1390242-300-05-000
Շտրիխ կոդ: 4014835802629
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RAVENOL Diesel Cetane Booster is a fuel additive for all diesel engines for improving ignition performance.

RAVENOL Diesel Cetane Booster increases the cetane rating of the diesel fuel depending on the dosage and therefore, increases engine performance.

RAVENOL Diesel Cetane Booster reduces engine noises and provides for a clean combustion.

RAVENOL Diesel Cetane Booster enables saving fuel and reduces emissions.

Application Note

RAVENOL Diesel Cetane Booster is added to the diesel fuel.

Area of application:

Diesel engines in passenger cars and lorries

Use with each tankful, to improve performance

Application: Pour the contents of the container into the full tank. The ideal dosage is a can of

RAVENOL Diesel Cetane Booster per 40 litres of diesel. Note: The dosage depends on the cetane rating of the initial fuel used and the desired cetane rating in the ultimate fuel.

RAVENOL Diesel Cetane Booster can also be used in bio-diesel or mixtures of diesel fuel with bio-diesel.

RAVENOL Diesel Cetane Booster is an additive, which improves ignition performance of diesel fuels in the low-aromatic hydrocarbons and increases the cetane rating


  • Improved cold start performance and ignition quality
  • Saves fuel
  • Reduces emissions
  • Clean combustion of fuel
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Կարգավորում Արժեք Աուդիտ
Լայնությունը, mm 50  
Երկարություն, mm 50  
Բարձրություն, mm 190  
Քաշը, kg 0.335  
Գույն Yellow տեսողական
Density at 20 °C, kg/m³ 810 EN ISO 12185
Flashpoint, °C 62 DIN ISO 3679